A Fine Rainy Day
We have been waiting for this day for weeks. The kids were excited to go apple picking. That morning we woke up to pouring down rain. It has rained every Saturday for the past month. We decided to go ahead. We rode on the bus for an hour and a half to the orchird. We got to know a couple of neat families on the way. We walked up and down the muddy dirt road. We entered the orchird under rows of grape vines. As we walked down to the apple trees Kailynn stated "It sure is a fine rainy day". It brought a smile to my face. Once we got to the apple trees we could eat as much we wanted. They were big red apples. Very juicy and crunchy. It has been a while since we had good apples. Every time one of the girls picked an apple the water would shake of the branch onto me. We brought home two bags of apples. We are having apple crisp tonight! After the orchird we went to a park. Because of the rain we didn't stay long. The girls had a lot fun and I have fresh apples. All for less that 3000 Yen.
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