Sunday, June 04, 2006

Jen's baptism

Jen and her friend Saige were baptized together. It was a wonderful experience. She was so excited. Her foot came out of the water so Andrew put his foot over hers so it wouldn’t come up again. I am so proud of her and how obedient she is. She is a little missionary. She has invited a friend from school to come with us. She is always explaining to her friends why we do things and don’t do things. She tells everyone you can come with me if you like. We gave her a journal for her birthday because she said the Prophet said to write in our journals. She was so worried she couldn’t feel the spirit once she was confirmed. On the way home she stated she felt good and could feel the spirit. I don’t know what I did to have her in my life. I am so happy she is.

Pretty Toes

Jen had received a purse filled with makeup and polish for her birthday. Annalee decided that it would look good on her. Jen was home sick from school that day. She had been fast asleep while Annalee sat on Kailynn’s bed. Jen said she thought mom was cleaning when we ask why she didn’t do anything when she smelled the polish. The mom who allowed her daughter to give it as a gift came over and helped clean it up. Did you know with a lot of elbow grease and shaving cream it will come out of the carpet?

A league of their own

Jen had a pink and purple girl bowling party. It was the best party we ever did. Partly because I didn’t have to clean up afterwards and partly it was really fun. I spent hours culing the girls hair before the party. Poor Andrew was the only male. Even everyone who was working was female. We made tissue paper hats, played with balloons, and of course bowled. Andrew attempted to make a cake the night before but it flopped. Thank goodness for Basket Robins (Yes we have one). I took her that morning and let her pick a cake. She gave little bags with bracelets, rings necklace, shopping stickers, and a balloon. The bag looks like a purse. Jen had a lot of fun. It is so much fun all girls.